Who we are

Greetings and welcome to Brooklyn Afire,

Our new website, for the English language Renewal Office of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens, is dedicated to opening the life of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who are seeking a deeper understanding of their dignity as children of God and a greater awareness of God’s love found in the mission and teachings of Jesus Christ.  It is in this awareness that we believe we find our true selves.
This office is one of two Renewal Offices in the diocese, the other is for the Spanish and Creole speaking peoples.  Our purpose is to help those who are steeped in faith, and those who are seekers and spiritual, to find a firmer grounding in the life of the Holy Spirit.  We do not pretend to have all the answers, but we will try our best to offer opportunities to grow in a relationship with the Holy Spirit who leads us to Jesus and ultimately to the Father of us all.  

As you move through this website you will find reflections from young adults who give witness to the action of the Holy Spirit in their lives; opportunities to participate in Life in the Spirit Seminars in parish deaneries and college campuses; healing Masses where God’s love comes alive in Word and Eucharist; and day long events for adults as well as youth and young adults.  Wherever you are in the journey of faith, you are most welcome to journey with us where we only need have an open mind and heart to the action of God in our lives.          

We are honest though about who we are and what we believe.  We believe that the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us as Lord and Savior.  We believe that those who know Jesus know the Father.  We believe that God speaks His life-giving truths through Sacred Scripture and the life and teachings of the Church.  If you are not there with us, come along with us anyway.  We are willing to listen, to discuss everything in an atmosphere of fellowship and charity.  As we are willing to listen and learn from you, we invite you to listen and learn from us.  With the Holy Spirit at the heart and center of our dialogue and searching, amazing things can happen.

St. Therese of the Child Jesus writes: “Our Master has no need of book or teacher…. The Teacher of teachers teaches without sound or words, and though I have never heard Him speak, yet I know He is within me, always guiding and inspiring me; and just when I need them, lights, hitherto unseen, break in upon me.”  Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen further states: “He teaches us above all by His Spirit.”   We hope and pray that our efforts with Brooklyn Afire can assist you in having a relationship with the Spirit who guides us to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Sincerely Yours,
Fr. John Maduri