Teens & Young Adults

Upcoming events for youths and young adults:

Need for the Holy Spirit

Genesis 1:26 God said “let us make mankind in our image...”

The word us indicates a first person plural tense, meaning there is more than one. So from the beginning the Holy Trinity was already revealed to the Jewish people. Throughout the Old Testament God the father continued to reveal himself to the Israelites, His people. Time and time again he forgave and complied with the Israelites, and in turn they would still fall and turn away from God. Then God sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to save us and attain salvation on our behalf. His sacrifice allows us to be closer to Him as his adopted children.

Catholics receive the sacrament of Baptism, where Original sin is wiped and we bear a mark on our heart as God’s child. The Holy spirit works through this sacrament, like all the others, but especially baptism as it begins the individual's journey with God. The Holy Spirit was sent by God after his ascension on the day of Pentecost. From then on, the Holy Spirit has guided and advocated for the Church. The Church,today, is still fully alive after two thousand years.

Knowing the Holy Spirit helped the Apostles build the foundation of the Church, and throughout church history, why can't we still call upon the Holy Spirit today. We may not have ecumenical councils to make decisions, but the Holy Spirit is still there for us to get closer to Jesus. The Holy Spirit us to be like Jesus asmuch as we can. He glorifies Jesus through the assurance of salvation, enlightenment, and transformation. As it is in His name, he makes things holy. He grants us gifts to best live out our lives in the light of Jesus, which are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of God.

As a first year college student, I personally think it's beneficial and important to call upon the Holy Spirit as much as possible. College is a time of independence, students have to make important decisions in everything they do, from which major to pursue to time management and activities outside the classroom. The Holy Spirit may not be your study buddy or tutor, but He will be there when classes are becoming overwhelming, when peers pressure you to make bad decisions, and most importantly assist in your relationship with God. Our call to holiness is our vocation. Choosing a major would reflect on which career we desire to pursue. But being a mother or father, a spouse, a spiritual father or mother, is not able to be taught in lectures. Having a close relationship with the Holy Spirit, ensures which path of life you take, whether it's the priesthood, religious life, consecrated life or married life. He will be with you throughout your transformation and life.

Submitted by: Edwin

Free event - all young adults from high school age thru their 30s, are invited to:

"Stump the Professor"

Dinner & Questions

Saturday, June 8th 2024
5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
The Opera House at Emmaus Center
288 Berry Street, Brooklyn NY 11249